Thursday, March 15, 2007

Been a long time

It's been a while since I posted anything. The whole Blog thing was getting way too boring and so I decided to make it sort of my journal and store memories that I think are important to me.

So what's really important at this stage of my life..... My kids Of Course.

Just the other day I was thinking of how that show "Kids say the Darnest thing" started. I see it everyday out of the mouth of my 5 year old.

Arnav is in Pre-K at a Montessori school. He created a 8 page book with his drawings and few sentences explaining his drawings. The school had laminated the book. It was Arnav's prized possession. He showed me the book with great enthusiasm and exclaimed, " Momma, look at this book I wrote."

One of the pages had a pig drawn and he had written, "The pink pig got wet in the water."

I looked at the picture and the text under it and asked him. "Arnav, why is the pig blue?"
He said innocently, looking at me in disbelief, thinking how his mommy could not understand something so simple, "Momma! He is WET"

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