Soryan came from school the other day and wanted to tell me something. He is usually very quiet and keeps to himself, but that day he said, "Momma, I really have to tell you something."
Momma: OK, what is it.
Soryan: Today, my hand got hurt at school so my teacher gave me ice to apply. I went to the bathroom to get some paper towel to clean up the water on my desk.
Momma: And?
Soryan: Later my teacher went to the bathroom and there was a burning smell.
Momma: What happened?
Soryan: Somebody had burned paper in there and the teacher was really upset and she was asking all of us who had done this.
Momma: (Still trying to understand where this is going)
Soryan: I was the last person who was seen going inside the bathroom.
Momma: (now getting concerned...) you didn't do anything did you?
Soryan: NO!
Momma: So did they find who did it?
Soryan: No, but they have a suspicion that Veer did it since they found a matchbox in his pocket.
Momma: OK so he must have done it. Did they punish him.
Soryan: They were scolding him and Veer said that somebody else had put that matchbox in his pocket. My friend Karthik told me a joke at that time and I started laughing. The teacher then told me and Karthik to go to the principals office since she thinks we did it.
Momma: This does not make sense. They found a matchbox on Veer and then they sent you to the office?
Soryan: And they also said they are going to get a line detector test tomorrow. Mommy, what is a line detector test?
Momma: It's a Lie detector test. It can find out who is lying.
Soryan: I am really scared. I look suspicious since I was the last person seen coming out of the bathroom, and then I laughed. Now the teacher thinks it's me who did it. What if my brain starts saying I did it too and then the police will take me.
Momma: Soryan, you don't need to worry if you didn't do it. Lie detector test is just to find out the truth and clear all suspicions. You shouldn't worry.
Soryan: But what if my brain tells this Line detector something. (Still very worried) . I don't think I will be able to sleep Momma. I will get nightmares.
Momma: Don't worry Soryan, We will be there for you.
Anyway, the lie detector test was just a scare and 2 days later the kid Veer was caught doing it again.